Edexcel Topics/Papers I teach
Paper 1
England, 1509-1603: authority, nation and religion
Britain, 1625-1701: conflict, revolution and settlement
Russia, 1917-91: From Lenin to Yeltsin
In Search of the American Dream c 1917-1996
Britain transformed, 1918-97
Germany and West Germany 1918-89
The Rainbow Nation, South Africa
Paper 2:
France in Revolution 1774-99
Russia in Revolution, 1894-1924
Mao's China, 1949-76
The German Democratic Republic, 1949-90
India, c1914-48: the road to independence
The USA c1920-66; boom, bust and recovery
Italy, c 1911-1946
Paper 3
Lancastrians, Yorkists and Henry VII, 1399-1509
Rebellion and disorder under the Tudors, 1485-1603
Industrialisation and social change in Britain, 1759-1928
Poverty, public health and the state, c1780-1939
Britain: losing and gaining an empire, 1763-1914
Protest, agitation and parliamentary reform in Britain, c1780-1928
The changing nature of warfare, 1859-1991
The making of modern Russia, 1855-1991
Civil rights and race relations in the USA, 1850-2009
The Witch craze in Britain, Europe and North America